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Tag Archives: Update
I’m still alive
I know I haven’t been active on here or twitter lately. There are a lot of reasons for that but I am not going into it here right now.
I have been posting regularly on Tumblr: http://plague-of-insomnia.com and AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/chiealeman/pseuds/plague%20of%20insomnia
I am not abandoning any of my original work. I am still planning to finish the first draft of Love UnSeen (hopefully by the end of this year if not sooner) and I will continue In/Exhale, with Season 4 most likely being pushed into 2020 (sorry). I don’t have any plans for the ebook of S3 right now, but that will definitely happen. (I need to find a new cover artist as mine had to take a leave of absence.)
I’ve added a KO-FI button! I’m going to try to use it to raise money for the cover art since I need to pay an artist to make one. If you enjoy In/Exhale, I would love if you could spare $3 or more toward the cause!
Anyway, that’s just a super-quick update. I’m going to see my specialist in NY in a few weeks, and I’m hoping he’ll consider adjusting my meds. We’ll see how I do. Thanks to those of you who still follow me. I appreciate it!
Share:Still Here!
Hey, everyone! I know it’s been ages since most of you have seen me around (unless you follow me on twitter). I’m really sorry for not updating this site in all that time, but the past couple years have been really rough on me. In addition to losing my father very suddenly last year, I’d also gotten sicker, and so updating was the furthest thing from my mind.
However, I was recently diagnosed and have a new treatment tailored for my specific disease that I should be receiving for the first time soon. I’ll post a more detailed update(s) later, but just wanted to leave a quick note for any of you who might actually see this, lol.
In addition, I’m nearly done with the final two days of Season 3 of In/Exhale, and I’m going to make sure to post here the remaining days that are missing and have been posted so far. I’m also trying to get back to finishing Love UnSeen. My hope is I will start posting both this summer.
Additionally, my publisher closed its doors on May 7, 2018. I will be re-submitting UnConventional on Amazon soon, although I most likely will not have it available on other platforms (at least not immediately). However, I should be able to offer a paperback version for the first time ever, so those of you who like having something to hold in their hands can do so.
Thanks to all of you who have continued to follow me despite my long absence. I still have a long road ahead of me, but there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
Share:In/Exhale – S3 Continuing August 8
Update: I wasn’t able to finish the synopsis (“Previously on…”) in time, so I pushed the start date up a week to August 8. I’ll be posting the synopsis as soon as I finish it. I apologize for the delay.
Hey, everyone, I’m still around. It’s been a crazy past couple weeks, adjusting to a new medication and dealing with the effects of my Botox treatment wearing off weeks before my next one. . . .
Anyway, I’m proud to announce that I’m going to go ahead and begin posting the rest of In/Exhale, Season 3, starting next Monday, August 1, on the blog. I know I always posted on Tuesdays, but it looks like all the days are taken except Monday and Friday, and Friday I tend to have doctor appointments, so Monday is best. And what better way to start the week than with a dose of Kai and Renee?
Once an entire chapter (day) is complete on the blog, I’ll post it here. But if you follow me on social media (especially Google + for immediate updates), you’ll never miss an episode.
Thanks to all my loyal readers!
PS – I’m going to try to write up a “Previously On” to help catch everyone up!
Share:Painsomnia: When Pain Steals My Sleep
Update: A version of this post has been published on The Mighty website!
This morning I sat at the kitchen table and cried.
Alone, while my dogs were napping after their breakfasts and my husband was in the shower getting ready for his day.
Those quiet, yet powerful sobs I’d mastered as a child growing up in a household where any show of emotion would be turned and twisted against me.
About a month ago, I wrote about how sleep was my only escape from the relentless pain. I’ve lost that, too. It’s been a couple weeks since the medicine I used to take to help me sleep through each pain-filled night stopped working. Now, no matter what I do, I wake up multiple times a night, in terrible pain, praying to fall asleep again. I usually do after an hour or two, but it never lasts until I’m again ripped awake.
Being in pain all the time was bad enough. Being sleep deprived and exhausted–which, lucky me, also only makes pain worse–feels like winning the FML (fuck my life for those of you who don’t do the acronym thing) gold metal.
So sometimes I sit and cry, in pain, exhausted, and wishing for a few uninterrupted hours of sleep.
Share:In/Exhale – Season 3 – Update
Hey, everyone! I accidentally made an error in the order of the last couple posts of Season 3 on here. I’ve fixed it.
You can also always use the index page for the series to make sure you’re reading in the correct order: http://chiealeman.com/series/inexhale-season-three/
I’m hoping to get started posting the remaining episodes on the story blog very soon, within the next few weeks. It will really depend on some personal situations and what happens (we may be moving). But I’ll try to keep everyone updated.
Thanks for reading!
Share:Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend: An Update
I don’t talk about myself much, especially what really goes on in the depths of my mind, except for what comes out in my writing. Kai and I are a lot alike in that way, although he sometimes is more open than I am as my way of expressing things I feel I can’t in real life for a lot of reasons. But I felt like I needed to update you all on what’s going on with me, so here I am, baring my soul a little. It’s scary, but life is scary, and I’ve already shared as much as I have already, so why not? It may also help you to understand more of where I’m coming from in the next section of In/Exhale.
Where’s Chie?
Hey, everyone. So I know I haven’t posted here in a long time. And I’m sorry for that, but the honest truth is I haven’t been able to do much of anything lately.
Remember when I posted about my headache problems? Well, it turns out what I have is something called a New Chronic Daily Headache, which is a fancy way of saying a headache that comes out of no where and never goes away. It’s basically a migraine 24/7, 365, and I’ve had it since January.
Share:Upcoming Series: In/Exhale Character Bios
Hey, everyone! The third season of In/Exhale will be starting up shortly, and I know there’s a huge cast of characters to keep track of. So I thought it might be fun to have a character list and every week (or so) feature a new character!
These bios will include an artist-drawn representation (for the major players), basic physical description, age, etc., along with some important plot info and background on the character. There’ll also be a quote and an excerpt for each, and I’ll try hard not to have any spoilers in any of this information.
We’ll start the series off next week with Kai (of course, we have to start with the main character, right?), which will include a stunning realistic portrait of him by InkDevil I can’t wait for you to see.
I’ve been delayed working on the Season 2 ebook because of my headache, sadly, but I’m hoping I’ll have it out soon.
Thanks everyone for your support, and I’ll see you all next week for our new feature!
Hey, everyone! Thanks for helping make a great launch week for UnConventional. Thanks for all your support and feedback. I really appreciate it! Instead of a blog post with more music or something else, I wanted to do a little update to let you know where I am and what’s new here on the blog, etc.
First thing’s first: UnConventional is now available from most major ebook retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, KOBO, and more. Check out my page dedicated to the book for a current link of all sites where you can purchase.
Share:Where has Chie Been??
This summer has just swallowed me whole. I’m sorry!
Here’s a brief update on what I’ve been up to:
The first half of summer, I was taking two ASL classes, which meant I was in class every day for several hours, which didn’t leave a lot of time for blogging.
Then my classes finished and I started my first round of edits for UnConventional, which took me a couple weeks to get through, but I’m really happy with the revisions. I think it’s an even better book than it was before, and I’m so excited that you’ll finally get to read it in its entirety this fall!
I’ve finally wrapped those up, so I have some “free” time at last before my fall classes start and I’m swamped once again–though I’m hoping to try to be a little more active here despite that!