Tag Archives: quote

UnConventional Quotes: Happiness

Sometimes the only thing keeping you from happiness is yourself.

Going to do something a little different this week. Start a new series in which I post shareable images featuring quotes from UnConventional. (If this takes off, I may do some for In/Exhale, too.)

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Write YOUR Book

Just wanted to do a quick post because I found this quote recently and I love it. It makes me remember why I write the type of fiction that I do, even if it isn’t conventional, even if it features characters that others might overlook, even if people tell me I should write something more “normal” or “mainstream”:

“GIRL, write YOUR book dammit.
Who cares what people think?
If writers in the past cared what other people thought we’d still be glossing over ‘inappropriate’ kissing scenes.
Break the fucking rules.
Push yourself to the edge.
Show the world what YOU can do.
This is YOUR book. YOUR blood and guts.
AND, don’t you EVER, EVER, write one single line for SOMEONE ELSE. ”

-Madeline Sheehan

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I’m still here…

I know I haven’t been good about keeping my “one post a week” pledge, but I’ll admit I’ve been feeling really stressed and a bit stuck lately.

Hoping that’ll remedy itself soon. I’ve been trying to read over some of the draft of Remnants to see if I can pick that back up again.

Here’s a quote from Marshall from this very early draft. I feel like it encompasses him really well. Marshall isn’t interested in anything serious, because things are safer that way. Any guy he sees as potentially too “clingy,” he’ll avoid seeing a second time, no matter how good the sex was. He calls these guys “adhesions,” as he explains:

An adhesion is a type of scarring that occurs internally, especially after abdominal surgery. It causes organs and tissues to stick together, and can lead to intense pain and serious, sometimes long-term complications. Studying adhesions–why they form and how to better prevent them–is one of the research areas for the lab back in College Station. But the best way to ensure you never develop them? Don’t have yourself cut open in the first place.

Anyway, I’m hoping I can get out of this funk soon and complete the drafts of this book and Az Monster within the next few months, as well as go back to UnDeniable. And hopefully post a bit more here and on twitter.

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