Tag Archives: Video

Where’s Chie?

Hey, everyone. So I know I haven’t posted here in a long time. And I’m sorry for that, but the honest truth is I haven’t been able to do much of anything lately.

Remember when I posted about my headache problems? Well, it turns out what I have is something called a New Chronic Daily Headache, which is a fancy way of saying a headache that comes out of no where and never goes away. It’s basically a migraine 24/7, 365, and I’ve had it since January.

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I Hope You Dance

I know it’s been a while. These past few months have been really difficult for me. I’ve been dealing with a chronic daily migraine since January. Literally, a headache that started months ago and has not gone away since it started. Along with that, trying to finish the semester and dealing with medication side effects and all that goes with it. Things have been rough. Hoping this summer will be easier for me and I’ll get more posted here and Season 3 of In/Exhale will finally begin. For now, enjoy this song. It’s an oldie, from 2000, but it popped in my head today and made me think of what Kai’s been going through in what I’ve been writing of Season 3 right now, and especially since it was temporally accurate, I figured I’d post it.

The message of the song is all about taking chances when they come along, even though they might be scary. It’s about not giving up.

Enjoy, and thanks for those of you who have stuck with me despite everything. I really appreciate it it.

Living might mean taking chances,
but they’re worth taking.
Loving might be a mistake,
but it’s worth making.

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The Music of UnConventional: “Love Is All Around”

The music of UnConventional continues this week!

Early in the novel, Di is working out in the hotel gym and rocking out to some of her favorite tunes to keep her motivated. Joan Jett’s cover of The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song “Love Is All Around” comes on, encouraging her that love is all around and that you will make it after all, something that Di hasn’t really believed in the last few years.

Follow along to the whole soundtrack on Spotify (though sadly, this song isn’t available) and enjoy today’s video:

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The Music of UnConventional: “Weightless”

Music played an important role while writing UnConventional, and is particularly important to the main character, Di, who’s a huge punk fan. In fact, the novel opens with a playlist of songs (which you can listen to most of via the Spotify playlist I made, here). To get you all excited for UnConventional‘s release, I’m hoping to do a regular feature in which I include a video of each song in the book.

The novel opens with Di’s self-appointed anthem, “Weightless” by All Time Low. Di has recently turned 30 and has decided to make some changes in her life, and feels like this song perfectly reflects her current outlook on life.

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Music “Therapy”

So I’ve been a bad seed and haven’t been posting here regularly like I hoped I would. I always have all these great ideas, and I start them, but then I never seem to find the time to finish them. (Yeah, excuses, excuses).

Anyway, music is something I find really inspirational when I write. In fact, this year’s NaNoWriMo project will probably be an expansion of a short story inspired by a song–more on that in a future post. And UnConventional, which is out in October (just in time for BMD Awareness Week–more on that later, too) also has music playing a huge role in the life of the main character, Di.

I’ve been meaning to do some posts here related to music and how it connects to my writing, but again, I never seem to get around to it. So today I was doing some laundry and one of my favorite songs popped up: “Therapy” by All Time Low. It’s anachronistic for the current I/E timeline, but it makes me think a lot of Kai and the events of seasons 2 and 3 when I listen to it.

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The Deaf Family

So I really want to try to keep up with my weekly blog posts, but this week left me a little stumped. Instead of going a week without a post, how about the first in a series of videos featuring  a very young Sean Berdy (of Switched at Birth fame)?

The film is a sitcom-like series of promo videos for a now-defunct Video Relay Service about a Deaf family and their various trials and tribulations. It’s pretty cheesy, but it has it’s funny moments in that silly, ridiculous kind of way. It’s all ASL (no audio), but it does have English subtitles if you don’t know sign language.


PS – I apologize for the way the video is displaying; I couldn’t get the flash embed code to work no matter what I did for some reason today. 🙁

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ASL Lesson Videos

I know it’s been a while. One of my resolutions this year is to try to post more on this blog. I always have great ideas, but never seem to have the time to actually post them here – one good reason to follow me on twitter!

Anyway, you may or may not know that I write a kind of “soap opera” called In/Exhale that features a lot of ASL (American Sign Language).

To go along with this new season, I’ve been creating some ASL lesson videos to give readers an idea of what ASL looks like and maybe teach a few things along the way.

You can find all my videos on my YouTube Channel or follow my ASL lessons in this playlist.

Enjoy :D!

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Love Is Blind In Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho

Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho (I Don’t Want To Go Back Alone) is a cute Brazilian short film about a teenage boy who falls in love with one of his friends. It’s short and sweet, although I’ve heard rumors it may be made into a feature-length film. It portrays the boy (Leo) in a pretty positive light, and seems to be a fairly accurate attempt at showing what his life is like (complete with braille typewriter). It’s definitely worth a watch if you have a few minutes’ time to spare.

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