In/Exhale – S3 Continuing August 8

Update: I wasn’t able to finish the synopsis (“Previously on…”) in time, so I pushed the start date up a week to August 8. I’ll be posting the synopsis as soon as I finish it. I apologize for the delay.

Hey, everyone, I’m still around. It’s been a crazy past couple weeks, adjusting to a new medication and dealing with the effects of my Botox treatment wearing off weeks before my next one. . . .

Anyway, I’m proud to announce that I’m going to go ahead and begin posting the rest of In/Exhale, Season 3, starting next Monday, August 1, on the blog. I know I always posted on Tuesdays, but it looks like all the days are taken except Monday and Friday, and Friday I tend to have doctor appointments, so Monday is best. And what better way to start the week than with a dose of Kai and Renee?

Once an entire chapter (day) is complete on the blog, I’ll post it here. But if you follow me on social media (especially Google + for immediate updates), you’ll never miss an episode.

Thanks to all my loyal readers!

PS – I’m going to try to write up a “Previously On” to help catch everyone up!

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