Tag Archives: Season 2

In/Exhale: Season Two eBook Available Now!


The long wait is finally over!

I know, I know, I promised this months ago, but between school and my headache situation, I wasn’t able to spend the time to make sure the formatting was perfect this time around. I’ve learned a lot since I released the Season One ebook, and I’m pretty sure everything should be working great regardless of the format you chose. I even managed to get the PDF file to include a working table of contents this time around!

So you can now download In/Exhale: Season Two in ebook form for your platform of choice.

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In/Exhale: Season 2 Cover Reveal

It’s finally time! After much delay and fanfare, the ebook for In/Exhale: Season Two is almost here. I have a few final touches to do to the kindle version, and we’ll be ready to go live!

However, in the mean time I’m going to whet your appetites with the brand-new cover I came up with, with a little help from the talented InkDevil.

*drum roll*

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In/Exhale: Season Two Excerpt

So a lot has been going on in my life lately, and I know I didn’t post last week at all, and I apologize for that. NaNoWriMo is not going as well as I would have liked, but I have been working on In/Exhale, both the long-overdue S2 ebook and S3.

So for now, enjoy this excerpt from S2. I hope I can have the ebook finished by the end of the month. 🙂

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