In/Exhale on PD (Broken Links)

Awhile back, Paradevo moved the story blog to a completely different site. While they did archive the old blog with all the old posts, it means none of the previous links work.

This means you can’t use any saved bookmarks to get to In/Exhale seasons on their site anymore.

Because of my health issues, I haven’t been able to go in and fix all the links, including the table of contents (none of those links work at the moment), or the links at the end of each chapter that take you to the next one.

However, you can still read S1-2 here in ebook form, and S3 as well on this site.

If that doesn’t work for you, then you can also find all of In/Exhale here.

You will need to scroll and use “older posts” at the bottom to progress through. I know it’s not ideal, and I promise I will fix it when I’m finally able to get my medication and have more energy. (I’ll also get back to working on the S3 ebook.)

I’m really sorry for the inconvenience and I also apologize for the long wait for S4. As of now, I can’t say when I’ll be able to get back to it, but hopefully I can in 2022. Thank you for your support and happy reading!

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