Tag Archives: UnConventional

UnConventional Quotes: Happiness

Sometimes the only thing keeping you from happiness is yourself.

Going to do something a little different this week. Start a new series in which I post shareable images featuring quotes from UnConventional. (If this takes off, I may do some for In/Exhale, too.)

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The Music of UnConventional: “Love Is All Around”

The music of UnConventional continues this week!

Early in the novel, Di is working out in the hotel gym and rocking out to some of her favorite tunes to keep her motivated. Joan Jett’s cover of The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song “Love Is All Around” comes on, encouraging her that love is all around and that you will make it after all, something that Di hasn’t really believed in the last few years.

Follow along to the whole soundtrack on Spotify (though sadly, this song isn’t available) and enjoy today’s video:

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UnConventional – Release Day!

Yay! It’s finally here! UnConventional is now available for purchase!

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The Music of UnConventional: “Weightless”

Music played an important role while writing UnConventional, and is particularly important to the main character, Di, who’s a huge punk fan. In fact, the novel opens with a playlist of songs (which you can listen to most of via the Spotify playlist I made, here). To get you all excited for UnConventional‘s release, I’m hoping to do a regular feature in which I include a video of each song in the book.

The novel opens with Di’s self-appointed anthem, “Weightless” by All Time Low. Di has recently turned 30 and has decided to make some changes in her life, and feels like this song perfectly reflects her current outlook on life.

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UnConventional – Excerpt

With this being #BMDAwarenessWeek and UnConventional‘s publication only eight days away, I can finally share the “final” version of the first 3500 words of the book with you. I hope you enjoy!

You can purchase the book here starting on October 14. It’ll also be available from most major ebook retailers. I’ll post those links once they’re available. Thanks for your support!

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BMD Awareness Week: Oct 5-11

One thing I discovered while doing research for UnConventional was how few people knew what Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy was (or had even heard of it). In fact, it’s one reason I decided to go with that disease while I was planning out the book. If I could do my small part to increase awareness of MD and BMD in particular, and in the process show that men with these diseases are still men who deserve to live happy lives full of love and sex, then why not?

October 5-11 is officially Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week, and it happens to coincide perfectly with the release of UnConventional on October 14!

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UnConventional Cover Reveal!

I know it feels like I’ve been talking about UnConventional forever, but its publication date is finally approaching! The current release date is October 14, so mark your calendars. (Though I’m sure I’ll be hyping it up a lot more from now until then!)

Santiago Durán walks straight out of Di Monroe’s dreams–crutches and all–into her heart. There’s only one problem: she’s already married.

To celebrate, I’m now allowed to show off the amazing cover art, designed by Loose Id artist Mina Carter. I hope you like it! Hit the break to see it in all its smexy glory!

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UnConventional Excerpt: Chapter One

So I have a  habit of holding onto my writing, terrified it’s not “good” enough or finished enough. UnConventional has been “done” for months, yet I kept procrastinating and making excuses as to why I hadn’t sent it out to publishers.

I still have a ways to go, but I sent it out to the first publisher today, and will be sending to more soon, so it’s one step closer to publication, meaning I can focus on my other projects, especially Az Monster and Beauty in the Remnants.

I realized I’ve never posted an excerpt from UnConventional here, so now I have.

Enjoy the first chapter of UnConventional.

Note: The final, published version may differ slightly from the text below.

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