Tag Archives: All Time Low

The Music of UnConventional: “Weightless”

Music played an important role while writing UnConventional, and is particularly important to the main character, Di, who’s a huge punk fan. In fact, the novel opens with a playlist of songs (which you can listen to most of via the Spotify playlist I made, here). To get you all excited for UnConventional‘s release, I’m hoping to do a regular feature in which I include a video of each song in the book.

The novel opens with Di’s self-appointed anthem, “Weightless” by All Time Low. Di has recently turned 30 and has decided to make some changes in her life, and feels like this song perfectly reflects her current outlook on life.

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Music “Therapy”

So I’ve been a bad seed and haven’t been posting here regularly like I hoped I would. I always have all these great ideas, and I start them, but then I never seem to find the time to finish them. (Yeah, excuses, excuses).

Anyway, music is something I find really inspirational when I write. In fact, this year’s NaNoWriMo project will probably be an expansion of a short story inspired by a song–more on that in a future post. And UnConventional, which is out in October (just in time for BMD Awareness Week–more on that later, too) also has music playing a huge role in the life of the main character, Di.

I’ve been meaning to do some posts here related to music and how it connects to my writing, but again, I never seem to get around to it. So today I was doing some laundry and one of my favorite songs popped up: “Therapy” by All Time Low. It’s anachronistic for the current I/E timeline, but it makes me think a lot of Kai and the events of seasons 2 and 3 when I listen to it.

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