Category Archives: Excerpts

In/Exhale: Season Two Excerpt

So a lot has been going on in my life lately, and I know I didn’t post last week at all, and I apologize for that. NaNoWriMo is not going as well as I would have liked, but I have been working on In/Exhale, both the long-overdue S2 ebook and S3.

So for now, enjoy this excerpt from S2. I hope I can have the ebook finished by the end of the month. 🙂

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UnConventional – Excerpt

With this being #BMDAwarenessWeek and UnConventional‘s publication only eight days away, I can finally share the “final” version of the first 3500 words of the book with you. I hope you enjoy!

You can purchase the book here starting on October 14. It’ll also be available from most major ebook retailers. I’ll post those links once they’re available. Thanks for your support!

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In/Exhale: Season One Excerpt

I finally got the formatting issues (including stubborn kindle chaptering) fixed, so I’m ready to release the ebooks for In/Exhale: Season One next Tuesday. In honor of that, I’m posting a short excerpt from the beginning of the season to give you a taste of what’s to come.

The books will be available in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI (kindle) versions, so you can easily read on your tablet or ereader.

I’ve also added an “Available Fiction” section to the site where you can see the fiction I have that’s already available for download/purchase. If you go there now, you can read about In/Exhale, and that’s where I’ll post the links to download next week!


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NaNoWriMo – Beauty in the Remnants – Excerpt

So, I was going to start off this post by saying I don’t know if I’ll “win” NaNo this year, but then my friend asked me for my current word count and I realized I’m actually a little ahead of schedule. Huh. Wonders never cease.

Anyway, as promised, here’s an excerpt from the first chapter of the book, tentatively titled Beauty in the Remnants.

Remember, this is a rough draft and may not represent the final product, but hopefully it’ll give you a good peek into what these two men are like.

I’m experimenting with dual first-person POVs, btw. We’ll see if it works out or not!

Enjoy, and feel free to comment!

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UnConventional Excerpt: Chapter One

So I have a  habit of holding onto my writing, terrified it’s not “good” enough or finished enough. UnConventional has been “done” for months, yet I kept procrastinating and making excuses as to why I hadn’t sent it out to publishers.

I still have a ways to go, but I sent it out to the first publisher today, and will be sending to more soon, so it’s one step closer to publication, meaning I can focus on my other projects, especially Az Monster and Beauty in the Remnants.

I realized I’ve never posted an excerpt from UnConventional here, so now I have.

Enjoy the first chapter of UnConventional.

Note: The final, published version may differ slightly from the text below.

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NaNoWriMo – New Project: Az Monster – Excerpt!

So I hadn’t planned on doing National Novel Writing Month this year (aka NaNo or NaNoWriMo), since I am still putting the final touches on UnConventional before I send it out for publication, not to mention a handful of other projects. However, writing for me is kind of like being possessed by my characters – sometimes they just need to come out.

That’s how I ended up starting what I’m calling Az Monster. I “needed” to write a story that focused on a widower raising his daughter alone. I’ve also been wanting to write something set in a small town in Southeast New Mexico for a long time now. Additionally, asthma is one of those diseases that is incredibly common and yet rarely written about, so, in my typical fashion of preferring to handle diseases and disabilities you see rarely (even less than disease/disability in general beyond cancer), I decided to make the male protagonist an asthmatic. Again, in typical fashion for me, his disease is integrally woven into the story itself.

And this is how I ended up starting Az Monster. Initially, it was simply on a whim, for myself. But after discussing it with some of my writing buddies, they encouraged me to pursue it. I’m glad they did, because I’m halfway through my NaNoWriMo goal and already feel this is shaping up into an incredible, rich story that I think many readers will enjoy once I’ve completed it.

Az Monster is a story about love, about guilt, and about finding the strength to move beyond the shackles of your past.

For now, enjoy this excerpt from the beginning of the novel.

Continued –>

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