Tag Archives: Season 3

Fund In/Exhale Cover on Ko-Fi!


Hi, everyone! I know I haven’t been updating that much this year. Without my medication, it’s been a rough one.

However, I did find a very talented artist to draw the cover art for the In/Exhale – Season 3 ebook!

Since I offer the entire series for free, I would really love some support in paying for the artwork.

If you enjoy my writing, I would really love if you could take a few seconds to donate a few dollars toward paying for the cover art.

You can donate as little as $3 on Ko-Fi!

If you can’t do $3, or Ko-Fi isn’t your thing, you can also donate via Paypal!

Even if you can’t afford to donate (I realize 2020 hasn’t been kind to a lot of us), if you could share the link, I would really appreciate it :).

As of right now, S4 will probably not come out until 2021. I’m very sorry about that. But I am still posting S1 on AO3, and I can hopefully have the S3 ebook finished before the end of the year.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported my work in the past!

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 13, 2001 – Season 3 Finale

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 12, 2001

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In/Exhale: S3 – Flashback: September 28, 1988

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 11, 2001

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 10, 2001

Hey, all! I’m so sorry I fell behind in updating S3 of In/Exhale on my site. I’ll be updating regularly until the end of the season over the next few weeks. Catch up with Season 3, or scroll up for ebooks of Seasons 1 & 2 (all available to read for free!) Hit the break to read the latest episode.

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 9, 2001

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 8, 2001

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In/Exhale: S3 – February 7, 2001

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In/Exhale – S3 Continuing August 8

Update: I wasn’t able to finish the synopsis (“Previously on…”) in time, so I pushed the start date up a week to August 8. I’ll be posting the synopsis as soon as I finish it. I apologize for the delay.

Hey, everyone, I’m still around. It’s been a crazy past couple weeks, adjusting to a new medication and dealing with the effects of my Botox treatment wearing off weeks before my next one. . . .

Anyway, I’m proud to announce that I’m going to go ahead and begin posting the rest of In/Exhale, Season 3, starting next Monday, August 1, on the blog. I know I always posted on Tuesdays, but it looks like all the days are taken except Monday and Friday, and Friday I tend to have doctor appointments, so Monday is best. And what better way to start the week than with a dose of Kai and Renee?

Once an entire chapter (day) is complete on the blog, I’ll post it here. But if you follow me on social media (especially Google + for immediate updates), you’ll never miss an episode.

Thanks to all my loyal readers!

PS – I’m going to try to write up a “Previously On” to help catch everyone up!

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