Tag Archives: photo

In/Exhale: Season 2 Cover Reveal

It’s finally time! After much delay and fanfare, the ebook for In/Exhale: Season Two is almost here. I have a few final touches to do to the kindle version, and we’ll be ready to go live!

However, in the mean time I’m going to whet your appetites with the brand-new cover I came up with, with a little help from the talented InkDevil.

*drum roll*

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UnConventional Cover Reveal!

I know it feels like I’ve been talking about UnConventional forever, but its publication date is finally approaching! The current release date is October 14, so mark your calendars. (Though I’m sure I’ll be hyping it up a lot more from now until then!)

Santiago Durán walks straight out of Di Monroe’s dreams–crutches and all–into her heart. There’s only one problem: she’s already married.

To celebrate, I’m now allowed to show off the amazing cover art, designed by Loose Id artist Mina Carter. I hope you like it! Hit the break to see it in all its smexy glory!

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In/Exhale: Season One Book Cover

I just have a few formatting issues to resolve in the kindle version of the first ebook so it should be released soon. Though I do have the cover finalized for Season One of In/Exhale. I should have the book available to download (for free!) soon, in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB files.

Hit the break to see the cover in all its glory, and let me know what you think!

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