I’m still alive

I know I haven’t been active on here or twitter lately. There are a lot of reasons for that but I am not going into it here right now.

I have been posting regularly on Tumblr: http://plague-of-insomnia.com and AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/chiealeman/pseuds/plague%20of%20insomnia

I am not abandoning any of my original work. I am still planning to finish the first draft of Love UnSeen (hopefully by the end of this year if not sooner) and I will continue In/Exhale, with Season 4 most likely being pushed into 2020 (sorry). I don’t have any plans for the ebook of S3 right now, but that will definitely happen. (I need to find a new cover artist as mine had to take a leave of absence.)

I’ve added a KO-FI button! I’m going to try to use it to raise money for the cover art since I need to pay an artist to make one. If you enjoy In/Exhale, I would love if you could spare $3 or more toward the cause!

Anyway, that’s just a super-quick update. I’m going to see my specialist in NY in a few weeks, and I’m hoping he’ll consider adjusting my meds. We’ll see how I do. Thanks to those of you who still follow me. I appreciate it!

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