Category Archives: In/Exhale

In/Exhale: S3 – January 29, 2001

Note: This feature may not be viewable on mobile devices.

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In/Exhale: S3 – January 27, 2001

Note: This feature may not be viewable on mobile devices.

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NaNoWriMo 2015


Hey, everyone! (Waves) Sorry I haven’t been active on here. Still not relief from the headache, though I’m holding out hope that the botox will still work or acupuncture will at at the very least… I’m trying my best to keep writing as much as I can, which is why I challenged myself to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) again this year.

For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a bunch of people who all try to complete a 50,000 word novel in a month. Those of you who’ve read UnConventional or In/Exhale know that 50,000 words is barely half a story for me, so I set myself that even more challenging goal of getting a complete 75,000 word draft done by the end of November.

So far I’m definitely on task to make it to about 75K by Nov 30, but the way the story is moving I’m not sure that’ll be a complete draft. So far it’s feeling a little like UnConventional in that it’s falling into three parts, perhaps of about 30K each, which would leave the draft at about 90K. (UnConventional is about 100K.)

Anyway, the only way to write at this kind of pace, especially with my headache limiting my productivity, is to write fast and dirty without really looking back. But I wanted to share a little about this project with you all for those of you who are interested.

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In/Exhale Season 3 – Posting Here After All

So I know I said in my last post that I wouldn’t be posting In/Exhale Season 3 here anymore because it was just too long to play well with wordpress. Well, I finally found a way to embed the documents directly from Google Docs into the blog. This means that you’ll be able to read an entire day without having a million pages to click through.

The only disadvantage of this format is the font size. I don’t think there’s any way for me to make it larger, and I apologize for that. I’ll of course be posting new episodes every Tuesday morning on the story blog, as always, but if you’d prefer to read them here and have a day all in one piece instead of broken up into several individual episodes, you now have that choice. (Note: the embedder doesn’t seem to function properly on cell phones. Sorry!)

I’ve updated the two pre-existing chapters here with the new embed format, and I’ll be posting the rest (up to February 1, 2001) soon. Once Feb 2 is finished posting on the blog, it’ll also go up.

Chapter 1: Flashback: May 19, 1994

Chapter 2: January 26, 2001

I’ve also updated the In/Exhale page here on my site to make it easier to find the latest part of S3, whether you prefer to read it on the story blog, or here.

Thanks to those of you who have sent your support via comments here, on the story blog, or via social media. I really appreciate it. It helps me get through some of the worst days, and motivates me to push through the pain when I can. 🙂

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In/Exhale: S3 – January 26, 2001

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In/Exhale: S3 – Flashback: May 19, 1994

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In/Exhale: Season Two eBook Available Now!


The long wait is finally over!

I know, I know, I promised this months ago, but between school and my headache situation, I wasn’t able to spend the time to make sure the formatting was perfect this time around. I’ve learned a lot since I released the Season One ebook, and I’m pretty sure everything should be working great regardless of the format you chose. I even managed to get the PDF file to include a working table of contents this time around!

So you can now download In/Exhale: Season Two in ebook form for your platform of choice.

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In/Exhale: Season 2 Cover Reveal

It’s finally time! After much delay and fanfare, the ebook for In/Exhale: Season Two is almost here. I have a few final touches to do to the kindle version, and we’ll be ready to go live!

However, in the mean time I’m going to whet your appetites with the brand-new cover I came up with, with a little help from the talented InkDevil.

*drum roll*

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In/Exhale: Meet Kai

Name: Kai Joseph Fox née Joseph Kai Taylor

Age: 22

First Appearance: August 21, 2000

Physical Description: Approximately 6’4″, 170-210 pounds, swimmer’s build, lean and fit, broad shoulders, narrow waist. His fingers are clubbed (rounded on the tips) because of his lung disease. Caucasian (fair, medium-to-long golden blond hair, bright blue eyes). Because he has a congenital neuromuscular disease, he uses a blue manual wheelchair or forearm crutches and leg braces to get around.

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Upcoming Series: In/Exhale Character Bios

Hey, everyone! The third season of In/Exhale will be starting up shortly, and I know there’s a huge cast of characters to keep track of. So I thought it might be fun to have a character list and every week (or so) feature a new character!

These bios will include an artist-drawn representation (for the major players), basic physical description, age, etc., along with some important plot info and background on the character. There’ll also be a quote and an excerpt for each, and I’ll try hard not to have any spoilers in any of this information.

We’ll start the series off next week with Kai (of course, we have to start with the main character, right?), which will include a stunning realistic portrait of him by InkDevil I can’t wait for you to see.

I’ve been delayed working on the Season 2 ebook because of my headache, sadly, but I’m hoping I’ll have it out soon.

Thanks everyone for your support, and I’ll see you all next week for our new feature!

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