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Author Archives: Chie Alemán
In/Exhale: S3 – January 31, 2001
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Share:In/Exhale: S3 – Flashback: December 24, 2000
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Share:Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend: An Update
I don’t talk about myself much, especially what really goes on in the depths of my mind, except for what comes out in my writing. Kai and I are a lot alike in that way, although he sometimes is more open than I am as my way of expressing things I feel I can’t in real life for a lot of reasons. But I felt like I needed to update you all on what’s going on with me, so here I am, baring my soul a little. It’s scary, but life is scary, and I’ve already shared as much as I have already, so why not? It may also help you to understand more of where I’m coming from in the next section of In/Exhale.
In/Exhale: S3 – January 30, 2001
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Share:Google Drive Error Fixed
Hey, everyone! I apologize for those of you who ran into errors while trying to read the most recently posted episodes of In/Exhale!
I neglected to change the permissions in Google Drive, but that has been fixed. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I’ll be posting more of S3 soon and hopefully restart the season within the next few weeks.
Thank you, and happy reading!
Share:In/Exhale: S3 – January 29, 2001
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Share:In/Exhale: S3 – January 27, 2001
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Share:Worlds Collide: An Update
I’ve been criticized before for In/Exhale, that Kai simply has too much “bad” on his plate. That nothing ever seems to go right for him, and frankly, that’s sort of the theme of his life. Partially because everything is connected, and even when it’s not, sometimes it just feels like you’ve been set up for a bad hand in life no matter what you do. That’s the story, and because it’s not my commercial fiction, but something I mostly write for myself even now, I take those comments in stride and keep writing.
As I explained in the introduction to the first season, Kai has always been my alter ego of sorts. (And yes, I’ve had more than one person, including my husband, question why my alter ego is male, but that’s for another day.) Lately, however, it seems like Kai and my experiences have been converging in more ways than one. His story is still fiction, of course, but when it comes to the feeling of everything happening and nothing going right, he and I definitely seem to have that in common.
Share:Polarity Review
Writer: Max Bernis
Art: Jorge Coelho
Available Digitally?: Yes
Genre: Superhero
Final Verdict: Buy, with reservations
My take: Using supernatural powers as a partial metaphor for the mania of bipolar disorder is a brilliant way to raise awareness for the disease, but the book falls short despite its attempt at lampooning the superhero genre.
Many people who experience a manic episode report feeling special, powerful, invincible. But what if those feelings weren’t delusions? What if, during a manic episode, an individual really became a superhero?
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Bipolar Disorder, Comic, Graphic Novel, Mental Illness, Polarity, review
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NaNoWriMo Winner!
So I made it. Should have gotten to 50,000 a few days earlier than the 21, but I’m still on track to make close to 75K by month’s end, assuming I’m able to keep things up during the holiday this week.
There’s no way the draft will be complete then, though. This’ll be a 100K word draft that I’ll probably end up trimming down when I revise.
Harold chuckled. “I don’t think Jackson needs to come along. I doubt he’ll have very much imput on a photograph.”
Jackson clenched his teeth but said nothing.
“That’s not necessarily true,” Dan said. “I think Jackson has a lot to offer.”
“And we should put him on the float design committee?” Harold guffawed, and his compatriots joined in.
Despite his best efforts to stop it, Jackson felt his face heat.
“He’s blind, son.”
“That doesn’t mean he can’t see,” Dan said in a tone Jackson couldn’t discern.
Still, the characters are coming together and I’m really excited about this book. Thanks to everyone who read the excerpt and gave me your feedback! I appreciate it!
My goal is to have a 100% complete first draft by the end of the year at the very latest.