UnConventional Is “Finished”

Whew! It’s been a crazy but productive summer! I polished up what I call the “3.5” draft of UnConventional last week and sent it off to my beta readers, so it’s this much closer to publication. I’m excited to be able to finish this project so I can focus on the sequel and Outsider full time.

I’m also working on a side project, a soap-opera, of sorts, that hopefully I’ll post here at some point. Something to wet your teeth on while you wait for UnConventional to release, right?

I’m hoping I’ll be able to share an excerpt or two soon!

I’m also hoping to stay moderately active on here, posting articles I think you might find interesting or helpful, as well as trying to do regular reviews of books that feature characters with disabilities.

My first review went up Friday (Precious Things).

I’m hoping I can post a book review fairly regularly; I’m already working on my next one: In His Eyes.

If you have a book featuring a PWD and you’d like me to review it, let me know. I’m always looking for books to read, especially if they feature characters with disabilities, even if they aren’t romances.

Don’t forget to keep up with me on Twitter @ChieAleman !

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