Tag Archives: Schedule

In/Exhale: Season 3 – Tentative Schedule

I know Season 3 is long, long overdue, and I’m sorry for that, but I promise it will be amazing. We’ll get to know some of our old favorite characters as well as meet a few new ones I hope you’ll fall in love with.

I have the first part of the season nearly finished, and that should hopefully take long enough to post that I’ll get to finish the next part while it’s posting weekly so I won’t need to take a mid-season break. I also expect this season to be the longest yet.

It’s possible that February 15 may be the end of Season 3, and after a brief recess (and it WILL be brief this time–I promise!) I’ll resume with the after affects of that day as Season 4. I’ll just have to see how things go.

So here’s the tentative schedule for Season 3.

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