Tag Archives: ebook

In/Exhale: Season Two eBook Available Now!


The long wait is finally over!

I know, I know, I promised this months ago, but between school and my headache situation, I wasn’t able to spend the time to make sure the formatting was perfect this time around. I’ve learned a lot since I released the Season One ebook, and I’m pretty sure everything should be working great regardless of the format you chose. I even managed to get the PDF file to include a working table of contents this time around!

So you can now download In/Exhale: Season Two in ebook form for your platform of choice.

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In/Exhale: Season One Now Available!

Release day is finally here! Hit the Available Fiction page to downloadIn/Exhale: Season One in the file type of your choice.

PDF is a good option for reading on a PC or tablet. EPUB works with most ereaders, and MOBI will work on your kindle.

I hope you enjoy, and I hope to have Season Two in ebook form available early this summer.

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In/Exhale: Season One Book Cover

I just have a few formatting issues to resolve in the kindle version of the first ebook so it should be released soon. Though I do have the cover finalized for Season One of In/Exhale. I should have the book available to download (for free!) soon, in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB files.

Hit the break to see the cover in all its glory, and let me know what you think!

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