Tag Archives: Deaf

NaNoWriMo 2014


Hard to believe that National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is almost here already! This year I will be participating again, though with my busy schedule, I’m not sure how far along I’ll get.

For this year’s project, I’m going to expand on a short story with the working title “Five Minutes to Midnight,” which was inspired by a song with the same name.

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The Deaf Family

So I really want to try to keep up with my weekly blog posts, but this week left me a little stumped. Instead of going a week without a post, how about the first in a series of videos featuring  a very young Sean Berdy (of Switched at Birth fame)?

The film is a sitcom-like series of promo videos for a now-defunct Video Relay Service about a Deaf family and their various trials and tribulations. It’s pretty cheesy, but it has it’s funny moments in that silly, ridiculous kind of way. It’s all ASL (no audio), but it does have English subtitles if you don’t know sign language.


PS – I apologize for the way the video is displaying; I couldn’t get the flash embed code to work no matter what I did for some reason today. 🙁

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Precious Things Review

Title: Precious Things

Author: Gail R. Delaney

Available in eBook?: Yes

Genre: Contemporary (Clean) Romance

Final Verdict: Buy

My Take: It’s rare to find a well written romance novel featuring a deaf hero; Ms. Delaney has created a deep, interesting character and her knowledge of ASL shows through in the text.

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