NaNoWriMo 2014


Hard to believe that National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is almost here already! This year I will be participating again, though with my busy schedule, I’m not sure how far along I’ll get.

For this year’s project, I’m going to expand on a short story with the working title “Five Minutes to Midnight,” which was inspired by a song with the same name.

I don’t have a tagline for it yet, but here’s the blurb:

Five Minutes To Midnight (working title) – NaNoWriMo 2014 Project

In this twist on Cinderella, Celeste meets the sexy and mysterious Rafi just before midnight at a New Orleans New Year’s Eve party and ends up with a kiss straight out of the storybooks. But when he disappears without a trace, she realizes she knows nothing about him–not even his name–because the music was so loud they didn’t exchange a single word.

Later, Celeste drops by a local bookstore and discovers the reason for Rafi’s silence: he’s Deaf. Initially afraid of attempting any kind of relationship with such a daunting communication barrier, Celeste flees, but she finds herself drawn back to the connection they made that fateful night and the kiss they shared.

Despite coming from a hearing family, Rafi is Deaf with a capital “D” and has never tried dating a hearing girl. But after his messy breakup with his former fiancee, being with someone outside the small Deaf community is appealing. But Celeste doesn’t sign, and Rafi doesn’t read lips. Can they make things work? They won’t know unless they try.

Hope you guy’s like the premise! I’m basically going to take this one for a ride and see how it plays out. I had initially tried to keep it a short story, but it was too difficult to explain Deaf culture in such a short form. I’m hoping in a novel that it can be more organic. We’ll see!

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