NaNoWriMo 2013

Wow, hard to believe it’s November already! I am doing  National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, or just “NaNo” for short) again this year. I’ll be working on getting a (hopefully complete!) draft of Beauty in the Remnants (or possibly just Remnants, it’s a working title), this year.

For those of you who don’t know, NaNo is a yearly event that challenges people to complete a 50,000 word novel in thirty days during the month of November. It’s not an easy feat, but this year will be my third time doing it, and it’s always a good excuse to be productive, as you need to write at least 1667 words every day in order to reach the goal in time.

Remnants is my first novel-length M/M project. I’ve written gay characters before, and even gay sexy scenes, but never have taken on an entire novel with two male romantic leads. I’m also experimenting with dual first-person point of views, which is something I’ve also never tried before. I may end up changing that when all is said and done, but for now, it seems to be working.

The story initially came about because Mike (one of the leads) has a cameo in UnConventional, and the more I worked on finalizing that book, the more I realized I wanted to tell his story. I also knew he was gay, and as big a fan as I am of M/M novels, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to attempt one of my own. His love interest, Marshall, really began to take shape, and I knew I needed to tackle the project as soon as I had the chance.

It’s Marshall that really drove the first-person POV. He has such a distinct personality and voice that originally, I had planned to write another novel, like UnConventional, strictly from his POV, in first-person. However, the more I worked out Mike’s story, the more I realized he needed a voice as well. Hence the “dueling banjos” POVs.

I’m going to do my best to keep my site updated with my progress as I go, and post little excerpts, too. I will likely post the first chapter soon for you to read, along with quotes from what I’ve written that day, if I have time. 🙂

I also have a bunch of reviews I need to do, since I’ve seen several interesting movies and TV shows lately, so I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to review those, including Blind Justice, Caïn, Imagine, and Sunlight, Jr.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter if you don’t already. 🙂

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