Tag Archives: Therapy

Music “Therapy”

So I’ve been a bad seed and haven’t been posting here regularly like I hoped I would. I always have all these great ideas, and I start them, but then I never seem to find the time to finish them. (Yeah, excuses, excuses).

Anyway, music is something I find really inspirational when I write. In fact, this year’s NaNoWriMo project will probably be an expansion of a short story inspired by a song–more on that in a future post. And UnConventional, which is out in October (just in time for BMD Awareness Week–more on that later, too) also has music playing a huge role in the life of the main character, Di.

I’ve been meaning to do some posts here related to music and how it connects to my writing, but again, I never seem to get around to it. So today I was doing some laundry and one of my favorite songs popped up: “Therapy” by All Time Low. It’s anachronistic for the current I/E timeline, but it makes me think a lot of Kai and the events of seasons 2 and 3 when I listen to it.

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