Tag Archives: Movie

If I Had Wings Review

if_i_had_wings_xlgTitle: If I Had Wings

Director: Allan Harmon

Year Released: 2013

Available on Netflix (US)?: Yes

Final Verdict: Watch

If I Had Wings is far from the first movie to feature a blind character, and it isn’t the first to feature a blind teen boy. In fact, the trio of the two boys and the girl reminded me a little of the Brazilian film Love is Blind, although Alex (Richard Harmon, The 100), the blind teen in this film, isn’t gay. With the sports theme of this film, I was worried it would fall into a lot of the tropes of the genre, and probably would end up being pure inspiration porn.

However, I was immensely surprised to find that If I Had Wings actually portrays blindness realistically and is pretty disability-positive.

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