Still Here, Barely

I’m still around. It’s been a rough couple years. My insurance doesn’t want to pay for a vast majority of my medical expenses, and my chronic illness has gotten worse as a result. Therefore, I’ve been feeling too ill/exhausted to do much of anything for the last year and a half, and especially the last ~8 months or so. I’m mostly active on Tumblr, and a little on Twitter.

Right now, all my writing is on hiatus until I can get a little better. My main priority is Where Demons Hide, but even that I haven’t been able to work on much at all, unfortunately. This means I can’t say when S4 of In/Exhale will come out. I will continue to upload S1 to AO3 as often as I can, and I’m really hoping I’ll manage to update WDH this summer.

Thanks to those of you who continue to support me and my writing. <3

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