In/Exhale ~ Update

Hey, all. I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me here. I’m slowly getting back into writing again (yay), and hope I can be somewhat productive this year and will be able to stay on my medication that I need so I’ll keep getting better and better healthwise.

Just wanted to update you all on In/Exhale!

I’m currently editing S3 for ebook and am hoping to have that release this summer. I’ve also begun working on S4, slowly, for now. I don’t expect to have that out until 2023. I know it’s been a long time, but hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.

As for the other two seasons…

All of S1 of In/Exhale is now available to read on AO3! You’ll find it here:

I’ve also begun posting the apendices there (which are found in the ebooks and some on PD but have never been posted separately and entirely before). You’ll find them here:

In addition, I’m posting S2 on AO3 now as well! I’m trying to add a chapter each week (so the entire days, not posted as episodes as they were on PD). You can subscribe if you have an AO3 account so you’ll get an email whenever I post a new chapter. Find S2 on AO3 here:

Thank you to all of you who have sent comments about my work here or on other platforms. I really appreciate it!

As for PD, I still haven’t had the opportunity/spoons to update all the links for I/E there. You can use this post to help you navigate (as they’re all still on the archive site, just hard to find), or of course you can read S1-3 here or partly on AO3, above.

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